The smaller antennas should be on the top, the larger on the bottom.
Your pole should be between the antennas on the inside, and you should see the embedded "i" on the back side.
Please make sure to take note of the 'weep' holes on some of the antennas, make sure it's pointing down. Also, it may be listed what side 'up' is on the larger antennas.
You can use strong ZIP ties or hose clamps, or checkout Flag Pole Buddy ( - they have a custom pole mount created specifically for the Insty 5G Binoculars.
See wiring diagram for how to link up the antenna lobes to the POE modem. Make sure to position the modem in the case so the ethernet cable rests between the wire catch, so that if the cable is pulled, it will pull on the mount, and not the modem itself.